Thursday, December 30, 2010

Learning to Live

  This last year was the busiest year of my life. CCWR Worship Arts has grown so much. One Music Inc. put out its first live CD/DVD, we developed a mentorship program for musicians, and started a new online evangelistic tool that as over 30,000 viewers in 2 months.
   I can't tell you how much I grew this last year. It was a year of sacrifice for me and my wife though. She has been growing and learning how to run a photography business(with a side job), and I have countless hours of being consumed on and off the clock. I love my job and the opportunities it brings, but I found that I barely remember any of this last year. When I close my eyes and try to remember what happened this past year I see myself and my wife in front of a computer screen.
I don't care for that to much. 
    Belen and I have prayed and talked thought this last year and came up with something we think is really cool. We have started a blog that will be full of text, videos, and pictures of this next year. We have committed to creating a year of memories with each other, our family, and our friends. We have created a list of exciting, fun, and new memory making things to do. We have committed to trying to create a memory everyday of the year. Some things will be as simple as taking a walk somewhere we have never been and some bigger events with many people involved. We are doing this with a two part vision. One...for me and Belen to reconnect and learn how to live our lives making memories with each other. Two is to inspire others to change the way we "veg." To go from the primary form of entertainment being what computers, televisions, and internet feeds us to creating a system and environment perfect for creating long lasting memories.
    This is still a work in process but me and belen and excited and ready to start. we are working on the website and blog now and it should be up on new years day with our very first memory.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Text Messages and Bubble Gum

I get a lot of these really long text messages from a select group of friends.
This is the way it goes down.
I get the first text. I open it and I read the first two lines. Then abruptly my phone vibrates and beeps with part two of the message. I close out part two and start reading part one again. Then once again right on time part three shows up.
At this point, I just read part three hoping it will just make since, it doesn't.
So finally I just put my phone down and wait for the text-a-holic on the other side to finish sending me an entire chapter in Matthew. I then, with hesitation, pick up my phone, and sift through the messages.

 No matter how many times someone sends me a book as a text message my phone always calculates the exact amount it will receives and splits it up accordingly. That's because that is the way it was designed.

   There are some expectations we put on ourselves that we are not designed to do. You wonder why you are so burnt out, confused, cluttered, and need another vacation right after you just took one. It's probably because you are trying to force something that is not your natural design.

I loved bubble gum as a kid. I would take 5 pieces, put them in my mouth, and blow these giant bubbles that mom got the privilege of cutting out of my hair later. You learn pretty quickly the principles of tension.

Just like that bubble and just like those text messages, there is only so much you can take/do and then your natural, God given design kicks in. I'd encourage you to take a step back, pray, find out what your God given limits are, and embrace them.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Don't be so Predictable

When you get done laughing at the kid version of me, read this note. 
Obviously from this image, as a kid I had very little appreciation for what was cool around me or applying it to my life. I wanted to do my own thing even if it meant I looked weird or strange. Im gonna get the point quickly. I didn't just put this pic up so it could leave a haunting impression in your brain forever. As a kid, for whatever reason, I didn't walk down the same path as everyone else. The result of that is that I experienced and saw things from a very interesting view of life. That life style has followed me into my twenties. You see, TO ENJOY LIFE YOU MUST BE A PERSON OF EXPOSURE. What I mean is if you keep going down the same paths everyday, never meeting anyone new, never doing something you have never done, then you will find yourself in a very predictable place. Yes! predictable feels safe and secure, but all the while the beauties of life are moving all around you and you wont be able to see see them because fear, security, safety, and predictability have blinded you. 

Today try this
1. Pray for God to lead every step of your day
2. be intentional about looking for things you have never experienced
3. be bold and step out of you area of comfort

My new fav site

this is the coolest website for anyone that loves church media design. 

Other than dropping a link to this great website I want to give my 2 cents on the arts in the eyes of God. The scripture tells us how creative God is. Genesis says in the beginning God CREATED. it is a huge part of God to create something, stand back, look at it, and judge his work. When the scripture says that God saw it and said it was good, He had a marvelous, wonderfully and fearfully made reason. You and Me. Here is my 2 cents about the arts and being creative in church, let it always be in the benefit of the body of christ. don’t design for the sake of looking cool or being noticed. Design because you love people and you love God.

Clayton's Story

before you read this take a sec and watch this 6 min vid about clayton CLICK HERE
Every time I hear this story it brings me to tears. I really relate with Clayton’s desire to see people come to the Lord, but more than anything I am convicted by the lack of urgency I feel. I make these giant plans and I live like I have a surplus of time and life here on earth will never swiftly come to an end. If you are from the Warner Robins area then you know you almost can’t get anywhere without traveling down Houston Lake rd. Right in the middle of this stretch of road is a funeral home. I pass it 3 to 4 times a week and just like working out it keeps me healthy. It is a constant reminder to live life with an urgency of Love, to trust that every encounter I have is meant for my good, and to enjoy God and others and let God and others enjoy me. 

I will say plainly what is on my mind. I hate it when I look back on my week or I reflect on my month and no real, sincere encounter stands out. When I say encounter I don’t mean the churchy definition. I mean things like a lunch with a friend where you connect in a big way. A living room conversation that turns into a beautiful holy prayer ground. A date night with my wife where I discover something new I have never seen before. I don’t want to look back or reflect and all I see is what I didn't do or how much money I did or didn’t make. Also Im not talking about going out and making something happen. Just opening up your eyes to the beautiful that is right in front of you and begin to discover.


ACTS 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
I believe inside of all of us is something of great value. There is a part of everyone that is especially designed by our maker Jesus Christ. I’m finding in myself that God will allow me to do many things and some of them He will allow me to do well, but God is always in one way or another pointing me to a very special God designed area of my life. The more time I spend with Him the more I begin to discover  the point of my life. I wish I could explain in great detail what I have discovered but I cant because God rarely ever gives me the details. I am finding out that many of the things I do well are not the most important parts of me. You know every now and again something “turns on” inside of me. Wether its on stage, while I am preaching, or just having a one on one conversation. There is something in me that come’s out and there is this undeniable and overwhelming reality that what is coming out of me in that moment is heavenly. The atmosphere for me goes from passionate to powerful. If you minister in anyway at all then you know exactly what I am talking about. Some people that grow up in church call it the Anointing. Many people try to recreate the situations they where in when they experienced it or try to make a system and box it up, but no matter how many forms of imitation are out there, there is nothing like the real holy undeniable power of God.  Wether you are speaking verbally into someones life, giving a blanket to someone in need, or just holding a door open for someone, every now and again something our heart opens up and there is a power that we feel as representatives of Jesus. I honestly find myself as a minister chasing those moments or just looking for the next time that part of me comes alive. Like I said earlier I don’t have any details. I have been asking God a few questions though. Why does this happen at, what seems, random times in my ministry? Is there a way to tap into that part of me or is there something I need to do to make it more prevalent in my life? What is the point of these moments? What is the next step for me to be on my way to discovering more about it?
So...Im on a voyage right now to discover the part of me that I think is my life force. Bigger than oxygen, bigger than the need for community or knowledge. I want to know more about this Holy and precious thing that lives inside of me.

God, Wife, and friends

I’ve really enjoyed the past 2 weeks. I’ve just been living in the 3 things God asked me to do. 1. Reconnect with Him 2. Reconnect with with my wife 3. Reconnect with my friends.
honestly all 3 have happened in a very different way than i planned(which is usually how things go down in my life). I've been trying to get back in on a routine with prayer and bible study but it has really been a fight everyday. Maybe its the spoiled part of me that has unlimited access to powerful music and dynamic sermons as easy as a 2 min download, but it has been so hard to just sit with my Bible and read. I actually started writing this blog because I got bored. haha. I really am just praying for new vision and outlook in the scripture. One thing i have truly learned about God is he loves to make me play this game called "wait for what feels like forever." I mean come on God get on bored lets pop this thing in the microwave and get on with it. I hope you don't take my rant seriously and rip it apart with a magnifying glass. I'm just trying to be as they say "real"...or as we say in church "authentic." The real talk for me is that God has reminded me over the past 2 weeks that life with him is not about trying to get somewhere. I like many others can make something that is suppose to be pure, holy, and sacred and make it into work. So I’m praying and asking God to rearrange me so I can not just understand relationship with Him...but also feel it beating in my chest! As far as the rest of my life its amazing. I have spent some wonderful quality time with my wife.We have definitely reconnected in a big way. We spent a couple days in Atl this past week and it was great. The best part was the ride there and the ride back. We were able to talk without an ipod, cell phone, or other distractor interrupting us. It’s always pretty awesome to really get into a conversation with one of your favorite people in the world.  Also, I’m writing this on my ipod coming back from the beach for memorial day with a couple of my best friends. We had amazing time together. There it easy as 123. Reconnect to God, to my wife, and my friends. Life is good! Yes that pic is me with a giant chocolate and carmel covered apple. delicious!

Prison Break

I have really been trying to get use to life post One Project. My schedule has slowed down and life has over all gotten back to normal. In many ways I feel like a car that has slammed on its brakes. I have time to "blow." I have the freedom to lay on my couch all monday and watch the first season of Prison Break. It's kinda strange because my body is slowing down but my brain has not slowed down yet. As I look over the different areas of my life, I have been tempted to get busy and continue at the pace I have been at even though I know I need to take a step back and rest. I'm really trying to take the advise of Erwin Mcmanus. Don’t try to be the person thats constantly breathing out and take some time to breath in. So, this week I have decided to wake up to my home to-do list, go to the church with my desk piling up with clutter, turn the nagging desire and the Prison to be busy off and get back to some basics. Investing into my personal relationship with God, Loving on my beautiful wife, and reconnecting with friends. 
  Even though my logic is telling me you need to make a giant to-do list and start hacking at it, I have to take the time to breathe life into my spirit and teach my flesh how its gonna be. It's always great to hear a confirmation from the One I call my Savior that I am on the right track. Literally, today in the middle of the 6th episode of Prison Break I hear God whisper to me. You are exactly where I want you to be! I love it!


I have a lot in my life. I am juggling about 6 different things that all have the potential of being really great or really crappy at any moment. I’ve heard the Lord speaking to me through books, speakers, friends, and my wife that things are about to get really simple but a lot more adventurous. I decided today that I am not going to de-clutter my life, I am going to let God decide what stays and what goes. I am waiting on his word.

Look at this scripture
Isa 50:4
The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to [him that is] weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.

He said the Lord has given me the words of wisdom. Even though no one has taught it to me, my mouth is filled with the wisdom of a person who went to school to learn how to speak words to hurt and broken people. Every morning I wake up and he speaks to me, revealing the things only the educated know.

God is calling me to this. To the simple Idea that He tells me what to do and I do it. He gives me a piece of the puzzle and I put it in. He wakes me and gives me ears full of word that can shape the future for Him and I speak them knowing I could have never had this word on my own. 

This is my prayer
God take my clutter, take my mis-understanding, take my ears. Turn this man into a hearer and a doer of Your Word. Find it in your heart to forgive me for not laying down the weight and sin that gets me off the path. It’s not about how high or wide I can build my life, but its about did i obey you today. I am Yours.

Unity isn't as easy as you think

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. [Psalms 133:1]

If anything, we all have learned  working together during this recording that living a life of unity takes work, determination, sacrifice, intention, and consistency. It truly is good for people live together with a similar mindset and set of goals, but somebody set up the chairs, somebody cooked the food, made the arrangements, cleaned up, followed up, and did the work. I'm not trying to discourage anyone from unity I just want to make you aware that it is not free. In the movies, we always see the 15 sec clips of bonding, work, and effort. Then we see the glorious plot unfold as everyone comes together and saves the day. I'm just saying realistically there is someone or someones in the group that are tired, worn out, and many times beat by the time you get to a unified place. I want to encourage you to have eyes to see the people in life that help build unity. To get behind them and support them. The be medicine to their wounds and a fresh breath of life in a moment of going unseen.
    During this project there have been so many people in the background that their job was to create environment, develop systems, sit in front of computers for hours, and practically go un noticed. I have also stood back and watched those on the forefront of recieving the benefits of unity go in to encourage and affirm the worker, the foundation builder, and the un noticed. Do you know what it made me say in my heart.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. [Psalms 133:1

Don't be so Predictable

When you get done laughing at the kid version of me, read this note. 
Obviously from this image, as a kid I had very little appreciation for what was cool around me or applying it to my life. I wanted to do my own thing even if it meant I looked weird or strange. Im gonna get the point quickly. I didn't just put this pic up so it could leave a haunting impression in your brain forever. As a kid, for whatever reason, I didn't walk down the same path as everyone else. The result of that is that I experienced and saw things from a very interesting view of life. That life style has followed me into my twenties. You see, TO ENJOY LIFE YOU MUST BE A PERSON OF EXPOSURE. What I mean is if you keep going down the same paths everyday, never meeting anyone new, never doing something you have never done, then you will find yourself in a very predictable place. Yes! predictable feels safe and secure, but all the while the beauties of life are moving all around you and you wont be able to see see them because fear, security, safety, and predictability have blinded you. 

Today try this
1. Pray for God to lead every step of your day
2. be intentional about looking for things you have never experienced
3. be bold and step out of you area of comfort